In Hinduism the cow has a sacred place. It is an animal that is worshipped, and its worshippers protect it from harm and give it a place of honour in their lives.
Mahatma Ghandi said of the cow: "I worship it and I shall defend its worship against the whole world".
In secular western societies some new sacred-cows have arisen that appear to be receiving as much worship and protection as the sacred cows of Hinduism.
Here is a hit list of secular sacred cows, which if you dare to speak against or even mention the truth about them; you may find yourself under attack by normally placid and friendly people whom hold these things to be sacred and not to be messed with by anyone.
Secular Sacred Cow #1- Santa Claus
This fictional character has crept its way into the Christian religious celebration of Christmas and usurped from Jesus Christ, the place of central focal point of Christmas.
Hundreds of Millions of little children around the world wait expectantly all year in anticipation of this fictional character bringing them presents at Christmas, riding through the sky on his magical sleigh pulled by flying reindeer from the north pole this jolly fat man in his red and white tights brings plastic fantastic toys to children by landing on their roof and slipping down the chimney (despite the fact that most people don’t have a chimney).
His face adorns shop windows, catalogue, and every piece of cheap merchandise you can point a stick at.
His message of spending big on presents to show people how much you love them lead millions of people to spend more than they can afford on stuff that nobody really needs or wants.
Those who miss out feel rejected because if you don’t get these gifts then you must be unloved or rejected by Santa.
No wonder that Christmas has turned into a time a dramatically increased conflicts, murder and suicide.
And if you dare to speak out against this fairytale commercial event and tell children that Santa is not real and that the real gift of Christmas is the gift of baby Jesus that God gave to everyone, well prepare to be attacked viciously for violating the secular sacred cow of Santa Claus.
Even among Christians you risk being attacked if you dare to expose the myth of Santa and tell children of the real meaning of Christmas.
If your child speaks the truth about these things to other children then they risk being ostracized as parents don’t want their children to know the truth about these secular fairytales, they want their children to believe in the lies and they will protect the lie of Santa even to the point of creating new lies to cover up the obvious flaws in the Santa fairytale. Parents will who protect the Santa myth will actively keep their children away from any other child then dares to tell the truth about Santa.
Secular Sacred Cow #2 - The Easter Bunny
Here is another fictitious character that has somehow crept its way into Christian celebrations.
Parents around the world teach their children that this large rabbit is going to bring them chocolate eggs are Easter time. Where did he get these eggs? Don’t ask. Why is he bringing these chocolate eggs? Don’t ask. What does this have to do with Jesus Christ dying on the cross and being resurrected in three days? Absolutely nothing so we just won’t mention Jesus Christ this Easter.
Many Christians do make vain attempts to make a link between the Easter Bunny, the eggs and Jesus Christ, however any honest person with acknowledge the fact that the bunny and the egg are pagan signs of fertility and they have nothing to do with the Christian celebration of the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Despite this fact the Easter bunny and Easter eggs adorn shopping windows, TV commercials, and advertising brochures for months prior to Easter in a vain attempt to promote the selling of chocolate eggs and any other garbage merchandise that they to the secular masses.
Children live in expectation of a cache of Easter eggs and Easter without chocolate eggs seems to them as though someone has let the air out of an inflated balloon.
Yes this pagan celebration of bunnies and eggs has been inflated with as much hot air as the advertising gurus could blow into it. And every dollar they can take from your open purse has been taken to fill their own pockets.
Now if you dare to mention to children that the Easter Bunny is not real, or that chocolate eggs have nothing to do with Easter but that Easter is about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, then you will be in for trouble. And worse still if you don’t give you children any chocolate eggs at Easter then you must be some kind of monster that is out to ruin your child's life by denying them chocolate eggs, for that of course is the most important part of Easter and cannot be left out. Yes you will have violated the sacred cow and you will now be treated like the criminal that the secular masses view you as.
Secular Sacred Cow #3 - The Tooth Fairy
What could get ex-wrestling star Dwayne "the rock" Johnson into a pink dress and fake wings?
That’s right, The Tooth Fairy. Which he played in the 2010 film of that same name.
The tooth fairy according to its myth will come if you leave your tooth on or under a pillow and in its place the tooth fairy will leave some money. Why does the tooth fairy want to purchase teeth from children? Don’t ask. What does the tooth fairy do with the teeth after it has taken them? Don't ask.
Yet parents teach this fairytale to children as being a fact of life and children wait in expectation of the tooth fairy coming to leave some money in place of a tooth under their pillow.
Why would anyone want their child to believe such a ridiculous fairytale, I don’t know.
Yet if you tell a child the truth about the tooth fairy, then that child's parents are likely to think you a monster who has robbed their child of one of life great joys. The joy of being innocently deceived.
If you tell children that Spiderman or Superman are just fictitious characters then do you get the same reaction as when revealing the truth about Santa, the Easter Bunny or the Tooth Fairy?
I do not know anyone that would try to trick their children into believing that comic book characters are real and then defend that lie with religious zeal when others speak to truth on the matter.
So then why are Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy given sacred protected status?
Quite simply it is because these fairytales allow people to ignore the true meaning of Christian celebrations and to deny Christian truths whilst maintaining a pretence of spirituality or supernatural in their life.
I hope that people will learn to value truth, and reject false fairytales such as Santa, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy, and that they will get back to teaching the truth of Jesus Christ.
Maybe then the children will start to ask about Jesus and learn that there is truth behind the claims of Christianity, and no longer assume that is it as false as the secular sacred cows that have replaced it.
Monday, March 29, 2010
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